Systems interconnection

The intelligent choice for small and medium-sized automation solutions

SIMATIC S7-1200 controllers are the best choice for compact automation solutions, with integrated technological and communication features. Available in both standard and failsafe versions.

The new communication functions of the SIMATIC S7-1200 enable improved, simple and versatile data transmission!

  • OPC UA Data Access with integrated server functions it allows standardized horizontal and vertical communication, as well as compliance with specific standards for different sectors. The OPC UA Modeling Editor from Siemens (SiOME) also allows easy adaptation to the Companion Specifications.
  • Cloud connectivity enables data storage and analysis, e.g. in the Siemens MindSphere, thus supporting the efficiency of plant processes and related predictive maintenance.
  • Secure email transmission, also with attachments if desired, also allows the transfer of sensitive machine data.